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9-6-2018 door (jeroen.steen.1)
Omschrijving: Petting Zoo by Minimaforms is speculative robotic environment populated by artificial intelligent creatures that have been designed with the capacity to learn and explore behaviors through interaction with participants. Within this immersive installation interaction with the pets foster human curiosity, play, forging intimate exchanges that are emotive, evolving over time and enabling communication between people and their environment. The installation exhibits life-like attributes through forms of conversational interaction establishing communication with users that are emotive and sensorial. Conceived as an immersive installation environment, social and synthetic forms of systemic interactions allow the pets to engage and evolve their behaviors over time exhibiting features and personalities that are formed through their interactions with the general public. Pets interact and stimulate participation with users through the use of animate behaviors communicated through visual, haptic and aural communication. Pet interactions are stimulated through interaction with human users or between other pets within the population.
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