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9-6-2018 door (jeroen.steen.1)

Omschrijving: Alex explains and demonstrates the unique art of steel wool photography, which captures eye-catching, fire-like images. This is a very easy photography project that can be accomplished using household items. SUPPLIES: Steel Wool Type 00: http://amzn.to/TAbyHX $5 Wire Whisk: http://amzn.to/VzdDVj $2 Dog Leash: http://amzn.to/VzepBD ABC Fire Extinguisher: http://amzn.to/VzdS2x You can use any lighter or a 9-volt battery to light the steel wool. If you attempt this, please do so responsibly and in an open area. It's definitely a good idea to wear a hat and long sleeves to protect yourself from burns. Check out our Facebook page to see the full-size images: http://www.facebook.com/alexsphotoandvideo Subscribe to our vlog channel: http://www.youtube.com/atox202

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